Purpose Schulungen finden - Das passende Seminar in Ihrer Nähe
Lernformate der Purpose SchulungenPräsenzunterricht // Onlinekurs bzw. Fernkurs // Kombination Präsenz & Online
Auf Seminarmarkt.de finden Sie aktuell 166 Schulungen (mit 423 Terminen) zum Thema Purpose mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:
IBM TS619G - IBM Storage Protect version 8.1.12 Implementation and Administration
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IBM Storage Protect 8.1.12 is a data backup and recovery solution designed to help you manage your data retention, reduce the cost of storage, and provide appropriate recovery point objectives to meet any service level agreement. IBM Storage Protect offers improved efficiency and flexibility using object-based data management and policy driven retention.
This five-day course will focus on implementation and basic administration of an IBM Storage Protect environment. The hands-on lab exercises are performed on a Windows 2016 environment. The course materials include examples of AIX and Linux commands, when different from Windows.
VMware vSphere with Tanzu: Deploy and Manage [V7] (EDU-VSKDM7)
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During this 3-day course, you focus on deploying and managing VMware vSphere® with Kubernetes. You learn about how vSphere with Kubernetes can be used to orchestrate the delivery of Kubernetes clusters and containerized applications in a VMware vSphere® environment.
IBM TS619G - IBM Spectrum Protect version 8.1.12 Implementation and Administration
- 13.01.2025- 17.01.2025
- München
- 4.760,00 €
IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1.12 is a data backup and recovery solution designed to help you manage your data retention, reduce the cost of storage, and provide appropriate recovery point objectives to meet any service level agreement. IBM Spectrum Protect offers improved efficiency and flexibility using object-based data management and policy driven retention.
This five-day course will focus on implementation and basic administration of an IBM Spectrum Protect environment. The hands-on lab exercises are performed on a Windows 2016 environment. The course materials include examples of AIX and Linux commands, when different from Windows.
IBM TS619G - IBM Spectrum Protect version 8.1.12 Implementation and Administration
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IBM Spectrum Protect 8.1.12 is a data backup and recovery solution designed to help you manage your data retention, reduce the cost of storage, and provide appropriate recovery point objectives to meet any service level agreement. IBM Spectrum Protect offers improved efficiency and flexibility using object-based data management and policy driven retention.
This five-day course will focus on implementation and basic administration of an IBM Spectrum Protect environment. The hands-on lab exercises are performed on a Windows 2016 environment. The course materials include examples of AIX and Linux commands, when different from Windows.
IBM ES24G - IBM System z Hardware Management Console (HMC) Operations
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This course teaches you navigation, operation, and recovery techniques for the Hardware Management Console (HMC) in the System z environment. Through lecture and hands-on exercises, you learn setup and operating procedures for the HMC, gain in-depth problem determination skills, practice HMC operations, and utilize recovery capabilities provided by the System z servers.
Agile Organisationsentwicklung mit ibo-Zertifikat
- 29.11.2024- 13.01.2025
- online
- 4.629,10 €
Im Laufe der Ausbildung entwick
IBM ES27G - z/OS System Operators
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To provide an overview of the z Operating System (OS), look at the systems from both a hardware and software prospective, and develop a basic understanding of System z partitioning capabilities, Processor Resource/Systems Manager (PR/SM), z/OS, Job Entry Subsystem 2 (JES2), Job Entry Subsystem 3 (JES3), Time Sharing Option (TSO), TSO Extended (TSO/E), System Display and Search Facility (SDSF), z/OS Communications Server, and System z channel subsystem usage for various channels, such as Enterprise System Connection (ESCON), Fiber Connector (FICON), and the Open Systems Adapter (OSA). It will also describe the Initial Program Loader (IPL) process and enable you to become comfortable issuing z/OS commands from a Multi Console Support (MCS) system console or extended MCS console.
IBM ES27G - z/OS System Operators
- 27.01.2025- 29.01.2025
- online
- 2.856,00 €
To provide an overview of the z Operating System (OS), look at the systems from both a hardware and software prospective, and develop a basic understanding of System z partitioning capabilities, Processor Resource/Systems Manager (PR/SM), z/OS, Job Entry Subsystem 2 (JES2), Job Entry Subsystem 3 (JES3), Time Sharing Option (TSO), TSO Extended (TSO/E), System Display and Search Facility (SDSF), z/OS Communications Server, and System z channel subsystem usage for various channels, such as Enterprise System Connection (ESCON), Fiber Connector (FICON), and the Open Systems Adapter (OSA). It will also describe the Initial Program Loader (IPL) process and enable you to become comfortable issuing z/OS commands from a Multi Console Support (MCS) system console or extended MCS console.
IBM ES73G - IBM System z Parallel Sysplex Operations
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This course is designed so that students can learn how z/OS systems operate in a Parallel Sysplex environment through discussion topics and hands-on lab exercises. Students learn problem determination skills, practice enhanced sysplex operations, including management of the coupling facility (CF), and use recovery capabilities provided by the System z servers.
The course consists of six units and 12 hands-on lab exercises.
IBM TN205G - IBM Instana Foundations
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IBM Instana helps in managing application performance in real-time and maximizing uptime with automated full-stack observability. This course provides information about the architecture and functionality of IBM Instana to help you understand the value proposition. You learn essential user interface techniques, creating application perspectives, and how to use dashboards to monitor the services. In addition, this course teaches about distributed tracing and the AutoTrace feature that helps in quickly tracing issues down to the root cause. You also learn the differences between alerts, issues, and incidents and how to create alerts to notify team members when certain criteria are met. You also learn how the Smart Alerts simplify the alerting configuration. IBM Instana automatically discovers, maps, and monitors all services and infrastructure components, providing complete visibility across every layer of your application stack. The course also teaches about Unbounded Analytics, Synthetic Monitoring, Log Management, and custom dashboards. Built on a foundation of real-time granularity and high-fidelity data, IBM Instana delivers actionable insights that your IT teams can leverage to enhance application performance and drive operational efficiency and reliability.