Sinne Schulungen finden - Das passende Seminar in Ihrer Nähe
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Auf finden Sie aktuell 1.556 Schulungen (mit 8.140 Terminen) zum Thema Sinne mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:
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Selbstwahrnehmung steigern
die eigenen Gefühle in die Arbeit integrieren
Individuelle Auslöser von Emotionen erkennen und steuern
Eigene Gefühle zur Sprache bringen
In schwierigen Situationen angemessen und souverän reagieren
Die Emotionen der anderen erkennen und besser verstehen
Den Emotionen der anderen mit Intelligenz begegnen
Kritik ohne Kränkung
Alte Verhaltensmuster neu bewerten
Eigene emotionale Fähigkeiten verbessern
Selbst-Bewusstsein und sicheres Auftreten - Die Kraft des Selbstvertrauens entdecken.
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Die eigenen Quellen für Selbstbewusstsein, Selbstsicherheit und Selbstvertrauen zum Sprudeln bringen
Der gute und der starke Wille
Steigerung des Selbstwertgefühls
Umgang mit verunsichernden Situationen
Körpersprache und Selbstbewusstsein
Selbstsicherheit und soziale Sensibilität
IBM SM929G - IBM Z System Automation 4.3 Operations
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This course introduces and explains the IBM Z System Automation (SA for z/OS) commands that are used for system operations. In this course, the System Automation Manager and Automation Agent run in a z/OS 2.4 environment. The automation platform, IBM Z Netview is at version 6 release 4 and IBM Z System Automation is at version 4 release 3. The course uses several automation scenarios in single and multisystem configurations to demonstrate the concepts that are taught in the lessons. This training class is delivered in an environment with multiple opportunities for hands-on lab exercises.
IBM TN035G - IBM Netcool OMNIbus 8.1 Administration and Maintenance
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This course is designed for IBM Netcool/OMNIbus 8.1 advanced users and administrators. It includes hands-on lab exercises that are based on a distributed deployment of Netcool/OMNIbus. You start with two images with Netcool/OMNIbus installed and deployed in a high-availability configuration. You use this environment to explore advanced administration topics and deploy advanced features. Note that product installation is not covered in this class. Product installation is covered in Netcool/OMNIbus 8.1 Installation and Configuration (TN025G).
IBM WB406G - Developing Decision Services in IBM Operational Decision Manager-I
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This course teaches developers to how to design and develop decision services with IBM Operational Decision Manager 8.11.1.
The course begins with an overview of Operational Decision Manager, which is composed of two main environments: Decision Server for technical users and Decision Center for business users. The course outlines the collaboration between development and business teams during project development.Through hands-on exercises, you learn how to design decision services and implement object models in Rule Designer. You learn how to support business users by setting up the rule authoring environment. And you enable rule testing and simulation so business users can ensure that their rulesets produce the correct outcome.The lab environment for this course uses Windows Server 2019 Standard.
IBM CM059G - IMS Installation Workshop
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Learn how to successfully install and successfully maintain an Information Management System (IMS) system, with insights on common problems, how to avoid them and how to correct them should they occur. In the hands-on lab, select an IBM-supported Version of IMS to actually install, then install that IMS and run the IMS Installation Verification Program (IVP) process in the environment of your choice:
- Database Control (DBCTL)
- Database Coordinator Controller (DCCTL)
- Database/Data Communications (DB/DC)
- DB/DC with Extended Recovery Facility (XRF)
Objektorientierung - Grundlagen und Analyse mit der UML
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Das Seminar Objektorientierung - Grundlagen und Analyse mit der UML vermittelt die Grundlagen der objektorientierten Analyse (Dokumentation der fachlichen Anforderungen). Sie lernen die für die Analyse wesentlichen Bestandteile der Unified Modeling Language (UML 2.4.x) sowie deren Anwendung und auch typische Fehlermöglichkeiten kennen. Der Kurs ist ohne Bindung an eine spezielle Vorgehensweise (wie z. B. Rational Unified Process). Sie können die Modelle der objektorientierten Analyse in der projektspezifischen Vorgehensweise anwenden.
IBM WE751G - Essentials of Service Development for IBM DataPower Gateway V7.5
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This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course Essentials of Service Development for IBM DataPower Gateway V7.5(ZE751G).
This course teaches you the essential skills that are required to configure, implement, and troubleshoot services that are developed on the IBM DataPower Gateways (IDG) with firmware version 7.5.0, regardless of use case.
The DataPower Gateways allow an enterprise to simplify, accelerate, and enhance the security capabilities of its XML and web services deployments, and extend the capabilities of its service-oriented architecture (SOA) infrastructure. The gateways also extend these capabilities into the JSON, REST, and Mobile application areas.
Through a combination of instructor-led lectures and hands-on lab exercises, you learn how to develop and debug services that are implemented on the DataPower gateways. These skills include WebGUI and Blueprint Console navigation, service type selection, basic multi-protocol gateway configuration, creating and using cryptographic objects, and configuring SSL connections. You also learn how to use various problem determination tools such as logs, monitors, and probes, and techniques for testing DataPower services and handling errors.
Hands-on exercises give you experience working directly with a DataPower Gateway. The exercises focus on skills such as creating multi-protocol gateways, working with cryptographic and SSL objec...
IBM ZL00G - z/VM and Linux on IBM Z and LinuxONE Bootcamp
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This course introduces the system programmer to the tasks required to support a z/VM operating system. It gives an overview of the processes that are required to install z/VM, and to do the required tailoring steps to support guest operating system virtual machines and CMS users. The students will leave the course with the knowledge to do the steps for adding guest systems and other virtual machines to the z/VM system, to apply service to the z/VM system, and to define a minimal TCP/IP configuration. Also, this course is designed to teach the implementation of SUSE, RedHat, and Ubuntu distributions of Linux on IBM Z and on LinuxONE.
Inhouse Vertriebstraining - Gezielte Kundenrückgewinnung: Ergreifen Sie Ihre zweite Chance
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