Seminare zum Thema Coaching
Auf finden Sie aktuell 8.981 Schulungen (mit 40.591 Terminen) zum Thema Coaching mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:Ausbildung 'Systemischer Berater & Coach' zertifiziert, Raum Augsburg / München
- 13.03.2025- 07.03.2026
- Augsburg
- 7.961,10 €
7.563,05 €
Mentale Stärke im Beruf - Heidelberger Kompetenztraining (HKT)
- 09.05.2025- 19.07.2025
- Heidelberg
- 1.498,00 €
Blended Learning
TIFF©-Coaching - Individuelle Beratung mit dem Temple Index of Functional Fluency
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- 1.904,00 €
Live Online: Challenger Mindset - Employee Change Management 4.0
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As an ICF-certified coach, trainer Michael Wigge is happy to support you and draws from his background of various adventure challenges he had faced in the media over the years and had left his comfort zone over and over again. The Grimme Award nominated challenge "How to Travel the World for Free/Ohne Geld bis ans Ende der Welt" (ZDFneo, Tonight Show USA) for example is presented as an inspiring background during the workshop.
IBM WE751G - Essentials of Service Development for IBM DataPower Gateway V7.5
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This course is also available as self-paced virtual (e-learning) course Essentials of Service Development for IBM DataPower Gateway V7.5(ZE751G).
This course teaches you the essential skills that are required to configure, implement, and troubleshoot services that are developed on the IBM DataPower Gateways (IDG) with firmware version 7.5.0, regardless of use case.
The DataPower Gateways allow an enterprise to simplify, accelerate, and enhance the security capabilities of its XML and web services deployments, and extend the capabilities of its service-oriented architecture (SOA) infrastructure. The gateways also extend these capabilities into the JSON, REST, and Mobile application areas.
Through a combination of instructor-led lectures and hands-on lab exercises, you learn how to develop and debug services that are implemented on the DataPower gateways. These skills include WebGUI and Blueprint Console navigation, service type selection, basic multi-protocol gateway configuration, creating and using cryptographic objects, and configuring SSL connections. You also learn how to use various problem determination tools such as logs, monitors, and probes, and techniques for testing DataPower services and handling errors.
Hands-on exercises give you experience working directly with a DataPower Gateway. The exercises focus on skills such as creating multi-protocol gateways, working with cryptographic and SSL objec...
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Auf wertschätzende Art und Weise wird damit der häufigen Zeitknappheit aller Beteiligten Rechnung getragen.
Im Seminar arbeiten wir an Ihrer individuellen Vorlage und wenden die Seminarinhalte unmittelbar an. Sie erhalten wertvolle Rückmeldungen durch Feedback.
Live Online: Turning SOON into NOW - Stop Postponing! With author Michael Wigge
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Inhouse Kommunikationstraining - Präsentorik: Präsentation und Rhetorik
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Einführung in virtuelle Meetings - Die Online-Welt lieben lernen
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- Gratis
Customer Experiences with Contact Center AI - Dialogflow ES
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Der Kurs umfasst Präsentationen, Demonstrationen und praktische Übungen.
Modul 1: Überblick über Contact Center AI
- Definieren Sie, was Contact Center AI (CCAI) ist und was sie für Contact Center leisten kann.
- Identifizieren Sie jede Komponente der CCAI-Architektur: Spracherkennung, Dialogflow, Sprachsynthese, Agent Assist und Insights AI.
- Beschreiben Sie die Rolle, die jede Komponente in einer CCAI-Lösung spielt.
Modul 2: Konversationserfahrungen
Nennen Sie die Grundprinzipien einer Gesprächserfahrung.
Erläutern Sie die Rolle der virtuellen Konversationsagenten in einer Konversationserfahrung.
Erläutern Sie, wie STT (Speech to Text) die Qualität eines Gesprächs bestimmen kann.
Demonstrieren und testen Sie, wie die Sprachanpassung die Spracherkennungsgenauigkeit des Agenten verbessern kann.
Erkennen Sie die verschiedenen NLU- (Natural Language Understanding) und NLP- (Natural Language Processing) Techniken und die Rolle, die sie bei Konversationserlebnissen spielen.
Erklären Sie die verschiedenen Elemente eines Gesprächs (Absichten, Entitäten usw.).
Nutzen Sie die Stimmungsanalyse, um eine bessere Gesprächsqualität zu erreichen.
Verbessern Sie das Gesprächserlebnis durch die Wahl verschiedener TTS-Stimmen (Wavenet vs. Standard).
Ändern Sie die Geschwindigkeit und Tonhöhe einer synthetischen Stimme.
IBM WB838G - Fundamentals of IBM Business Automation Workflow: Developing Case Management Solutions
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This course introduces solution architects to the case management solutions in IBM Business Automation Workflow.
The course begins with an introduction to IBM Business Automation Workflow (BAW). You learn about BAW capabilities, case management concepts, architecture, and the benefits of using IBM Business Automation Workflow on Cloud. You manage cases in the BAW Case Client for an existing case solution.
You learn about the case solution design. You build, deploy, export, and import a simple case solution. The course introduces you to the Case Management key features such as objects, activities, stages, and security configuration for a case solution. It also introduces you to customizing case pages and integrating BPM processes in case solutions.
Through instructor-led presentations and hands-on lab exercises, you learn about the basics of IBM Business Automation Workflow case management.
This course is a subset of the 5 day course: Developing Case Management Solutions using IBM Business Automation Workflow code: WB836 / ZB836). Developers who need in-depth training with Business Automation workflow should take WB836.
Azubi Soft-Skill-Training Konfliktgespräche & Umgang mit Kritik
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- 1.309,00 €
IBM SS86G - DFSMShsm Implementation
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This course prepares you to implement and manage DFSMShsm (DFSMS hierarchical storage manager). You will learn how to automate the storage management tasks, which optimize DASD space utilization and provide data availability. You will be taught basic DFSMShsm terminology and concepts, and you will examine the functions and interfaces used to tailor DFSMShsm processing to meet your installation' s storage management requirements.
Hands-on lab exercises enable you to perform a step-by-step implementation.
Weitere Schulungen im Bereich Train-the-Trainer
Auf finden Sie in diesem Bereich weitere Seminare z.B zu den ThemenBlended Learning // Businesstheater // Coaching // Coachingmethoden // Coachingqualifizierung // e-Learning // Mediation // Moderation // Planspieleinsatz // Systemische Beratung // Trainerqualifizierung // Trainingsmethoden