
Erfolgskontrolle Schulungen finden - Das passende Seminar in Ihrer Nähe

Lernformate der Erfolgskontrolle Schulungen
Präsenzunterricht // Onlinekurs bzw. Fernkurs // Kombination Präsenz & Online

Auf finden Sie aktuell 508 Schulungen (mit 3.508 Terminen) zum Thema Erfolgskontrolle mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:

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In this course, the learner is guided through a realistic scenario of governing the predictive models of a data science project during their lifecycle. The project focuses on creating machine learning models that can be used for mortgage loan approvals, where decisions highly influence both individuals and organizations. The narrative is driven by Anna Parker Sr. Product manager of a financial institution in charge of mortgage approval and Sr Data Scientist, Sara Man that guides the learner who assumes the persona of a Jr. Data Scientist, Leo Meep through the usage of IBM watsonx.governance to detect bias and monitor their deployed machine learning models for drift in their selected metrics.

The course educates the learner in IBM’s fundamental pillars of trustworthy AI such as explainability, fairness, and transparency and guides the learner through hands-on exercises using the graphical user interface, in creating machine learning models, tracking the model lineage, enriching the model with metadata previously known as AI Factsheets, and exploring the fundamental pillars of trustworthy AI using watsonx.governance. The learner deploys and monitors the model for drift using the graphical user interface of Watson OpenScale.

  • firmenintern
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Klarheit für den Change: Mit stimmigen Kommunikationsstrategien sicher durch die Transformation

Change-Prozesse in Unternehmen gelingen dann am effektivsten, wenn sie durch klare und transparente Kommunikation begleitet werden. Wenn Führungskräfte genau wie Mitarbeitende verstehen, warum die Transformation notwendig ist. Wenn Sie verstehen, was das Ziel ist und wie der Weg dorthin aussehen kann. Weitere Motivation bringt die Bewusstheit darüber, mit welchem persönlichen Anteil sie am Erreichen dieses Zieles mitwirken. Und genau das schafft die strategische Kommunikation oder auch Change Kommunikation: Sie definiert eine Change-Story, schafft Klarheit über Ziele, Wege und über die Maßnahmen, mit denen sie umgesetzt und adaptiert werden kann.


Wie geht Kommunikation im Change-Prozess? Strategische Planung der Kommunikation.

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Change-Kommunikation.

Werkzeuge in der Kommunikationsplanung:

•Die wichtigsten Dialog-Formate und ihre Chancen und Risiken

•Definition von Stakeholdern

•Gestalten von Change-Story und –Botschaften

•Definition konkreter Inhalte

Agiles Anpassen der Strategie

Umgang mit Widerständen

Evaluation der Strategie

Die Rolle der Führungskraft

  • firmenintern
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Quickly build and train machine learning models with Watson AutoAI aims to familiarize data science and analytics professionals with the fundamentals of theWatson Studio’s AutoAI tool. The course walks users through the process of creatingIBM Cloud projects, and building and evaluating AutoAI experiments for various supervised machine learning use cases. 

The lab environment for this course uses IBM Cloud.

  • firmenintern
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IBM Safer Payments is an enterprise fraud detection solution. It is a designed and focused on real time payment transaction processing. Safer Payments provides complex and dynamic rules building, evaluation and execution. Built with real time performance, management, and redundancy in mind.

In this course, technical resources that will be involved in any aspect of deploying, customizing, and implementing the Safer Payment solution will get a hands-on overview of the product. Students will get an understanding of how to install, configure, and setup the system for Analysts as well as basics on system administration.

  • firmenintern
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This course offers solution architects more experience with IBM Knowledge Catalog for IBM Cloud Pak for Data. You learn to tune and customize governance workflows and artifacts to enhance data protection, quality, and findability. You gain skills in enriching metadata, building data quality rules, customizing asset properties, and governing virtual data.

  • firmenintern
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IBM Safer Payments is an enterprise fraud detection solution. It is a designed and focused on real time payment transaction processing. Safer Payments provides complex and dynamic rules building, evaluation and execution. Built with real time performance, management, and redundancy in mind.


In this course, technical resources that will be involved in any aspect of deploying, customizing, and implementing the Safer Payment solution will get a hands-on overview of the product. Students will get an understanding of how to install, configure, and setup the system for Analysts as well as basics on system administration.

  • firmenintern
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IBM Safer Payments is an enterprise fraud detection solution. It is a designed and focused on real time payment transaction processing. Safer Payments provides complex and dynamic rules building, evaluation and execution. Built with real time performance, management, and redundancy in mind.

In this course, System Administrators who will be involved in any aspect of deploying, customizing, and implementing the Safer Payment solution will get a hands-on overview of the product. Students will get an understanding of how to install, configure, and setup the system as well as an overview about Cluster Management and Monitoring Safer Payments. This course focuses on topics for System Administrators who manage Safer Payments.

  • firmenintern
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This classroom course of two days explains how to balance the workload on the IBM i system to ensure optimum performance. Specifically, this course explains how to manage workloads, measure system performance, and tune the operating system to meet processing requirements. Hands-on exercises give you the opportunity to use the system functions that are available for controlling workload and tuning system performance. Evaluation criteria presented in this course are based on the latest information available from IBM development labs.

  • firmenintern
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Zu den Alpträumen eines Entscheidergremiums zählen jene Power-Point-Präsentationen, in denen der Präsentator im Schnelldurchgang durch viel zu viele und überladene Folien ‚hetzt‘. Dabei sollte er lediglich ein knappes, klares und präzises Bild vom aktuellen Ergebnisstand abgeben und die entscheidenden Inhalte verständlich „auf den Punkt“ bringen.

  • firmenintern
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IBM Safer Payments is an enterprise fraud detection solution. It is a designed and focused on real time payment transaction processing. Safer Payments provides complex and dynamic rules building, evaluation and execution. Built with real time performance, management, and redundancy in mind.


In this course, System Admins that will be involved in any aspect of deploying, customizing, and implementing the Safer Payment solution will get a hands-on overview of the product. Students will get an understanding of how to install, configure, and setup the system as well as an overview about Cluster Management and Monitoring Safer Payments. This course focuses on topics for System Admins who manage Safer Payments.

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Auf der Suche nach Online-Seminaren?

Bei erkennen Sie auf den ersten Blick die Online-Kurse der Seminaranbieter. So können Sie sich in Zeiten der Digitalisierung und Krisen schnell und kostengünstig vom Home-Office oder vom Arbeitsplatz aus weiterbilden.

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