Seminare zum Thema IT-Netzwerke
Auf finden Sie aktuell 2.433 Schulungen (mit 11.548 Terminen) zum Thema IT-Netzwerke mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:IBM TSP13G - IBM Storage Protect Plus 10.1.8 Implementation and Administration
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In this four-day course, you learn about installation, configuration and administration of IBM Storage Protect Plus v10.1.8. This begins with a review of the software features and functions, and the basic requirements, including architecture and data movement, and upgrade of the various components. Then, through lecture and hands-on labs, you learn how to deploy an environment as a virtual appliance or as a set of containers. You add providers and create customized SLA policies with options. You associate providers with policy to protect data in file systems and virtual machines, a variety of applications and databases, and Kubernetes and OpenShift containers. You configure and manage user access to the system and to the providers you protect. You manage jobs, plan and prepare for disaster recovery, view log files for monitoring and troubleshooting, and create custom reports.
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Mit Camel stellt die ein umfangreiches und ausgefeiltes Integrations-Framework zur Verfügung. Durch die flexible und modulare Architektur ist Camel einesteils ein einfach zu benutzendes Framework, bietet aber andererseits umfassende Funktionen zur Realisierung eines kompletten ESBs. Sie lernen in diesem Seminar die Möglichkeiten von Camel kennen, um damit Java-basierte Integrationslösungen zu entwickeln. Die Vorstellung von Werkzeugen zur Anwendungsentwicklung sowie zur Administration und Überwachung runden Ihre Kenntnisse ab.
CNS-320: Citrix ADC 12.x Advanced Concepts - Security Management and Optimization
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Erfahren Sie, wie Sie Ihre Citrix-Netzwerkumgebung so konfigurieren, dass diese die Sicherheitsanforderungen für Anwendungsdienste mit der Citrix Web App Firewall erfüllt, Lernen Sie, Netzwerkdienste für die Skalierung von Anwendungsarchitekturen mit Citrix Application Delivery Management zu automatisieren und zu verwalten und den von Citrix ADC verwalteten Anwendungsbereitstellungsverkehr zu optimieren. Dieser fünftägige Kurs für erfahrene Citrix-Netzwerkarchitekten, Ingenieure und Administratoren vermittelt Ihnen die Implementierung und Verwaltung von Web App Firewall zum Schutz von Webanwendungen vor verschiedenen Arten von Angriffen. Darüber hinaus erhalten Sie ein praktisches Verständnis der Funktionen von Citrix Application Delivery Management für die zentrale Verwaltung mehrerer Citrix ADC-Plattformen, die Orchestrierung von Änderungen, Transaktionsberichte, Infrastrukturvisualisierung und -planung.
Identifizieren von gängigen Web-Angriffe und Schwachstellen.
Schreiben von PERL-kompatiblen regulären Ausdrücken
Verstehen der Bedienung der adaptiven Lernmaschine
Konfiguration von Citrix Web App Firewall zum Schutz von Webanwendungen
Nutzung von ADC 12.x Secure Insight zur Überwachung, Verwaltung und Berichterstattung über die Sicherheit von Application Services
IBM WB835G - Developing Workflow Solutions using IBM Business Automation Workflow V20.0.0.1
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This course integrates training in business process management (BPM) methods and implementation with IBM Business Automation Workflow V20. You learn core process modeling and implementation skills, the project development approach, process model implementation fundamentals, and delivery patterns. These skills improve the speed and quality of implementing an executable process. The course uses an interactive learning environment, with class review questions to reinforce concepts and check understanding. Lab exercises throughout the course provide hands-on experience with IBM tools. This course is intended to be collaborative, and you can work in teams to complete class activities.
IBM Business Automation Workflow is a comprehensive environment that provides the visibility and insight that is required to effectively manage the business processes of an organization. The course begins with an overview of the product and then covers business process management, emphasizing the concepts of reuse, ease of maintenance, and high-quality development strategies. You create a structured process using IBM Process Designer from business requirements that are identified during process analysis. You learn how to make team collaboration more efficient by using standard Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) elements.
The course provides an overview of the architecture of IBM Business Automation Workflow and describes the use...
VMware Horizon 8: Infrastructure Administration (EDU-HIA8)
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This two-day, hands-on course gives you the skills to install and configure a virtual desktop infrastructure platform. This course builds your skills in installing and configuring VMware Horizon® through a combination of lecture and hands-on labs. You learn how to install and configure VMware Horizon® Connection Server™ , VMware Unified Access Gateway™ , how to configure a load balancer for use with Horizon, and how to establish Cloud Pod Architecture.
By the end of the course, you should be able to meet the following objectives:
- Identify Horizon Connection Server installation, architecture, and requirements.
- Describe the authentication and certification options for a Horizon environment
- Recognize the integration process and benefits of VMware Workspace ONE® Access™ and Horizon 8
- Discuss performance and scalability options available in Horizon 8
- Describe different security options for the Horizon environment
VMware Horizon 8: Infrastructure Administration is the second half of a two-course requirement for the following certification:
- VMware Certified Professional - Desktop and Mobility 2020 (VCP-DTM 20202).
VMware Horizon 8: Skills for Virtual Desktop Management satisfies the first requirement. The courses are also available as a single, bundled offering, VMware Horizon 8: Deploy and Man...
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In diesem Kurs lernen Sie Folgendes:
- Das AWS Well-Architected Framework anwenden.
- Mehrere AWS-Konten für Ihre Organisation verwalten.
- Rechenzentren vor Ort mit der AWS Cloud verbinden.
- Finanzielle Aspekte der Verbindung von VPCs in mehreren Regionen verstehen.
- Verschieben großer Datenmengen von lokalen Rechenzentren in die AWS Cloud.
- Große Datenspeicher für die AWS Cloud entwerfen.
- Verschiedene Architekturen für die Skalierung einer großen Website kennenlernen.
- Infrastrukturen gegen DDoS-Attacken schützen.
- Daten auf AWS verschlüsselt sichern.
- Schutz von Daten im Ruhezustand und während der Übertragung entwerfen.
- Die Leistung Ihrer Lösungen optimieren.
- Den passendsten AWS-Bereitstellungsmechanismus auswählen.
IBM TX318G - IBM Workload Scheduler 9.4 Administration
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This course teaches the administrative functions necessary to plan, install, configure, maintain, and troubleshoot an IBM Workload Scheduler 9.4 network. This course includes an in-depth look at designing an IBM Workload Scheduler network architecture, background processes in Workload Scheduler, workstation and network configuration options, workload production cycle and processing, effective use of Workload Scheduler security, and techniques for Identifying and resolving common problems. Hands-on lab exercises include planning a network, defining workstations and domains, and installing and configuring Workload Scheduler components.
IBM TSP12G - IBM Storage Protect Plus 10.1.6 - Implementation and Administration
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In this three-day course, you learn how to install, configure and administer IBM Storage Protect Plus v10.1.6. You begin with a review of the software capabilities, requirements, and architecture. Then, through lecture and hands-on labs, you learn how to perform the various tasks required to configure the environment on an installed virtual appliance. You customize SLA policies and make use of available options to protect virtual machines and applications, as well as the IBM Storage Protect Plus catalog. You monitor and manage jobs, plan and prepare for disaster recovery, view log files, and create custom reports.
IBM H006G - IBM Storage Scale Advanced Administration for Linux
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The course includes information on the Storage Scale installer toolkit, installer GUI, cluster upgrade scenarios, cluster health monitoring, cluster performance data collection and monitoring, management GUI, file system encryption, cluster security, and call home features. Many of the features are described in lecture materials and implemented in lab exercises.
IBM ES07G - z/OS JCL and Utilities
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This course is designed to teach you how to use z/OS job control language (JCL) and selected z/OS utility programs in an online batch environment. Both Storage Management Subsystem (SMS) and non-SMS JCL are discussed. Machine lab exercises complement the lecture material.