Komfortzone Schulungen finden - Das passende Seminar in Ihrer Nähe
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Auf Seminarmarkt.de finden Sie aktuell 66 Schulungen (mit 172 Terminen) zum Thema Komfortzone mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:
Live Online: Challenger Mindset - Employee Change Management 4.0
- firmenintern
- Ort auf Anfrage
- auf Anfrage
As an ICF-certified coach, trainer Michael Wigge is happy to support you and draws from his background of various adventure challenges he had faced in the media over the years and had left his comfort zone over and over again. The Grimme Award nominated challenge "How to Travel the World for Free/Ohne Geld bis ans Ende der Welt" (ZDFneo, Tonight Show USA) for example is presented as an inspiring background during the workshop.
Live-Online: Change Management 4.0 – Overcoming Obstacles with Joy!
- 29.11.2024
- online
- 399,00 €
As an ICF-certified coach, trainer Michael Wigge is happy to support you and draws from his background of various adventure challenges he had faced in the media over the years and had left his comfort zone over and over again. The Grimme Award nominated challenge "How to Travel the World for Free/Ohne Geld bis ans Ende der Welt" (ZDFneo, Tonight Show USA) for example is presented as an inspiring background during the workshop.
Männerseminar: Entfalte deine Manneskraft
- Termin auf Anfrage
- Gran Canaria
- 2.500,00 €
Auf der Kursseite weiterlesen
Live Online: Becoming a LEADER - Embracing Change with Resilience and Motivation!
- firmenintern
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- auf Anfrage
As an ICF-certified coach, trainer Michael Wigge is happy to support you and draws from his background of various adventure challenges he had faced in the media over the years and had left his comfort zone over and over again. The Grimme Award nominated challenge "How to Travel the World for Free/Ohne Geld bis ans Ende der Welt" (ZDFneo, Tonight Show USA) for example is presented as an inspiring background during the workshop.
Live Online: Becoming a LEADER - Embracing Change with Resilience and Motivation!
- firmenintern
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- auf Anfrage
As an ICF-certified coach, trainer Michael Wigge is happy to support you and draws from his background of various adventure challenges he had faced in the media over the years and had left his comfort zone over and over again. The Grimme Award nominated challenge "How to Travel the World for Free/Ohne Geld bis ans Ende der Welt" (ZDFneo, Tonight Show USA) for example is presented as an inspiring background during the workshop.
- firmenintern
- Ort auf Anfrage
- auf Anfrage
Integriertes Konzept - Nutzen auf 3 Ebenen:
1. Mitarbeiter wirksam in konkreten Change Prozessen führen: Mitarbeiter aus Komfortzonen holen, Widerstände überwinden, Mitarbeiter aktivieren, wirksame Change Kommunikation, Team-Dynamik positiv beeinflussen...
2. Sich selbst als Führungskraft gut führen: guter Umgang mit Rolle im Sandwich z.B. bei eigenen Zweifeln an der Veränderung / Belastung u. Unsicherheiten bewältigen..
3. Grundsätzliche Wandlungsfähigkeit im Team stärken: förderliche Veränderungskultur, Veränderungskompetenzen der Mitarbeiter kennen u. stärken, Komplexität u. Dynamik managen...
Trainer-Input wird direkt mit Teilnehmer-Praxisfällen verknüpft