
Seminare zum Thema User Experience

Auf finden Sie aktuell 341 Schulungen (mit 1.341 Terminen) zum Thema User Experience mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:


  • Beginn jederzeit möglich
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Künstliche Intelligenz hat für Wirtschaft wie Wissenschaft spektakuläre Erfolge erzielt. Das Fernstudium Artificial Intelligence bietet Dir eine einzigartige Kombination aus methodischen Grundlagen und Spezialisierungen in verschiedenen Anwendungsdomänen. Dabei liegt der Fokus Deines Bachelors auf der Sprach- und Bildverarbeitung, dem Maschinellen Lernen, Robotics, UI/UX und der Softwareentwicklung. Da Du das Programm auf Englisch absolvierst, schaffst Du zudem alle Voraussetzungen, um mit Deiner Expertise auch international zu überzeugen.

  • firmenintern
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This course teaches you how to:

  • Understand the content domains and how AWS services map to them
  • Combine multiple AWS services to solve complex architectural requirements
  • Understand advanced concepts of core AWS services and associated use cases
  • Identify how questions are written to test AWS architectural concepts

  • firmenintern
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In this one-day advanced course on process application development, you learn how to handle complex tasks and process interactions. You learn how to integrate your process application with external systems, implement a cancellation pattern, and how to handle content events in your process.

  • firmenintern
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This course provides technical professionals with the skills that are needed to administer IBM MQ queue managers on distributed operating systems and in the Cloud. In addition to the instructor-led lectures, you participate in hands-on lab exercises that are designed to reinforce lecture content. The lab exercises use IBM MQ V9.0, giving you practical experience with tasks such as handling queue recovery, implementing security, and problem determination.

Note: This course does not cover any of the features of MQ for z/OS or MQ for IBM i.


  • 07.04.2025- 10.04.2025
  • online
  • 3.808,00 €
1 weiterer Termin


This course provides technical professionals with the skills that are needed to administer IBM MQ queue managers on distributed operating systems and in the Cloud. In addition to the instructor-led lectures, you participate in hands-on lab exercises that are designed to reinforce lecture content. The lab exercises use IBM MQ V9.0, giving you practical experience with tasks such as handling queue recovery, implementing security, and problem determination.

Note: This course does not cover any of the features of MQ for z/OS or MQ for IBM i.

  • firmenintern
  • Ort auf Anfrage
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This course provides technical professionals with the skills that are needed to administer IBM MQ queue managers on distributed operating systems and in the Cloud. In addition to the instructor-led lectures, you participate in hands-on lab exercises that are designed to reinforce lecture content. The lab exercises use IBM MQ V9.0, giving you practical experience with tasks such as handling queue recovery, implementing security, and problem determination.

Note: This course does not cover any of the features of MQ for z/OS or MQ for IBM i.

  • 05.05.2025- 08.05.2025
  • Leinfelden-Echterdingen
  • 3.808,00 €
1 weiterer Termin


This course provides technical professionals with the skills that are needed to administer IBM MQ queue managers on distributed operating systems and in the Cloud. In addition to the instructor-led lectures, you participate in hands-on lab exercises that are designed to reinforce lecture content. The lab exercises use IBM MQ V9.0, giving you practical experience with tasks such as handling queue recovery, implementing security, and problem determination.

Note: This course does not cover any of the features of MQ for z/OS or MQ for IBM i.


  • 16.04.2025- 17.04.2025
  • online
  • 1.297,10 €
3 weitere Termine

Suchmaschinenoptimierung (SEO) Aufbaukurs

  • firmenintern
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Building Intelligent Virtual Agents with IBM watsonx Assistant aims to equip nontechnical business users with the skills and experience to build and launch their own intelligent virtual agent with IBM watsonx Assistant. The course walks users through the process of planning, and then building, a virtual agent. You learn to create basic and advanced conversational flows that fulfill users’ requests, leverage out of the box artificial intelligence features, and tie into analytics dashboards for monitoring and troubleshooting. The lab environment for this course uses IBM Cloud.

  • firmenintern
  • Ort auf Anfrage
  • auf Anfrage


Building Intelligent Virtual Agents with IBM Watson Assistant aims to equip nontechnical business users with the skills and experience to build and launch their own intelligent virtual agent with IBM Watson Assistant. The course walks users through the process of planning, and then building, a virtual agent. You learn to create basic and advanced conversational flows that fulfill users’ requests, leverage out of the box artificial intelligence features, and tie into analytics dashboards for monitoring and troubleshooting. The lab environment for this course uses IBM Cloud.

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Auf der Suche nach Online-Seminaren?

Bei erkennen Sie auf den ersten Blick die Online-Kurse der Seminaranbieter. So können Sie sich in Zeiten der Digitalisierung und Krisen schnell und kostengünstig vom Home-Office oder vom Arbeitsplatz aus weiterbilden.

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Auf der Suche nach individueller Weiterbildung? Nicht das passende User Experience Seminar gefunden?

Sie haben einen individuellen Weiterbildungsbedarf in Ihrem Unternehmen oder suchen einen Trainer / Coach zur Festanstellung? Sie wünschen sich eine maßgeschneiderte Weiterbildung oder ein User Experience Inhouse-Seminar? Dann starten Sie doch einen kostenfreien Suchauftrag unter


Seminarwissen aus der Infothek

Auf dem Weiterbildungsmarkt gibt es eine Vielzahl an Seminaren, Trainings und Workshops. Welches passt zu mir? Welcher Abschluss lohnt sich für meine Karriere? In unserer Infothek gehen wir auf die unterschiedlichsten Themen aus der Welt der Seminare, Weiterbildungen und Kurse ein.

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