Seminare zum Thema Herstellung/Produktion
Auf finden Sie aktuell 1.944 Schulungen (mit 9.206 Terminen) zum Thema Herstellung/Produktion mit ausführlicher Beschreibung und Buchungsinformationen:Führungstraining für Führungskräfte in der Produktion
- 09.12.2024- 10.12.2024
- Wuppertal
- 1.490,00 €
Stufe V - Präsentation & Moderation für Controller
- 17.03.2025- 21.03.2025
- Hamburg
- 2.558,50 €
Live-Online: Die Toolbox für effektive Führungsarbeit
- 28.11.2024- 29.11.2024
- online
- 1.892,10 €
SuchmaschinenOptimierung (SEO) - Grundlagen und Vertiefung - Online Schulung
- 05.12.2024- 06.12.2024
- online
- 1.160,25 €
Anhand von praktischen Beispielen lernen was zu tun ist um in Suchmaschinen - und damit vor allem in Google - ganz weit nach vorne zu kommen.
Stufe V - Präsentation & Moderation für Controller
- 10.11.2025- 14.11.2025
- Feldkirchen-Westerham
- 2.558,50 €
Adobe Captivate für Einsteiger - Online Schulung
- 02.12.2024- 03.12.2024
- online
- 1.160,25 €
Wordpress Intensiv-Schulung für Administratoren - Online Schulung
- 09.12.2024- 13.12.2024
- online
- 2.350,25 €
ISTQB® Certified Tester - Foundation Level (CTFL) (English)
- firmenintern
- Ort auf Anfrage
- auf Anfrage
In our certification training, we train you to become an ISTQB® Certified Tester - Foundation Level (CTFL) based on the current CTFL 4.0 syllabus. This updated syllabus provides a comprehensive insight into software development and ensures that graduates can successfully perform software testing in various contexts. The CTFL 4.0 course focuses on in-depth training on testing methods and techniques for both traditional and agile software projects. It also covers both iterative and sequential software development models. After completing the course, you will be familiar with the tasks, methods and techniques of software testing and test management. You will be familiar with all steps of the software testing process, from planning and specification to the execution and logging of tests.
Practical examples and exercises in this training course will prepare you to be able to apply the international ISTQB® Certified Tester standard in your project and in your organization immediately after the course. You can take the ISTQB® Certified Tester Foundation Level certification exam after the seminar. You will receive further information on booking an individual online examination datea few days before the start of the seminar from the responsible examination organization.
Necessary technical requirements and procedure for the online exam
Führen - aber richtig!: Ihre Führung: Umfassend, professionell, nachhaltig
- 12.12.2024- 13.12.2024
- Feldkirchen
- 1.832,60 €
NetApp - StorageGRID Administration (SGWSADM)
- 06.01.2025- 08.01.2025
- online
- 3.213,00 €
Kurssprache ist Deutsch, die Unterlagen sind in englischer Sprache (teilweise in digitaler Form).
This course covers the basics of StorageGRID administration. This course focuses on enabling you to use the Grid Manager to monitor and manage a StorageGRID Webscale 11.1 system. You learn to create and manage storage tenant accounts and users. How to configure information lifecycle management (ILM) rules and policies to manage object protection. You will configure the StorageGRID NAS Bridge node for integration with legacy applications. You will configure a StorageGRID Archive node to integrate an external archive storage system. Finally you will learn how a StorageGRID system can be integrated into the NetApp Data Fabric.
Hinweis: Dieses Seminar führen wir in Kooperation mit der Fast Lane GmbH durch.
NetApp - StorageGRID Administration (SGWSADM)
- 10.02.2025- 12.02.2025
- Hamburg
- 3.213,00 €
Kurssprache ist Deutsch, die Unterlagen sind in englischer Sprache (teilweise in digitaler Form).
This course covers the basics of StorageGRID administration. This course focuses on enabling you to use the Grid Manager to monitor and manage a StorageGRID Webscale 11.1 system. You learn to create and manage storage tenant accounts and users. How to configure information lifecycle management (ILM) rules and policies to manage object protection. You will configure the StorageGRID NAS Bridge node for integration with legacy applications. You will configure a StorageGRID Archive node to integrate an external archive storage system. Finally you will learn how a StorageGRID system can be integrated into the NetApp Data Fabric.
Hinweis: Dieses Seminar führen wir in Kooperation mit der Fast Lane GmbH durch.